Monday, July 23, 2018

Star Wars: Lost Stars - Claudia Gray [Book Review]

Star Wars: Lost Stars (2015)
Author - Claudia Gray
Genre - Science Fiction

A tale of two lovers with allegiance to opposite sides in a seemingly endless war.


Thane Kyrell is an upper class boy and Ciena Ree a rural villager from the backwater planet of Jelucan. They are united by their love of flying and joining the Imperial Navy. Everything is surreal until Thane, witnessing the myriad atrocities committed by the Empire - topmost of which was destruction of an entire planet, finally loses faith in the Empire and decides to defect from his post of Lieutenant in the Imperial Fleet to join the Rebel Alliance. Now witnessing the war from opposite sides, they are racked with constant fear of meeting each other in the battlefield, all along nursing their flaming love for each other.

The book was just amazing. Though I've not watched the original trilogy of Star Wars - the backdrop of Lost Stars, I still managed to get thorough enjoyment out of the book. This book, to me, gave me the exact feels when I watched The Force Awakens, the first of Star Wars movie that I watched. Though I'd still wish Star Wars would lose that elementary Dark-Light chasm shit and mix the whole thing into glorious shades of grey. (Can I be excused if I say I didn't intend it to come out this way?) But this book does tread a bit of my fantasy with one of the leads being a cynic and pointing out that people from both sides: the Rebels and the Empire considered themselves to be doing the right thing and the other trying to sabotage them.

Despite not being an avid Star Wars fan I finished reading the book in less than five days. I just couldn't put it down. I can't begin to imagine what it would be like to a fan of the franchise.